Monday, 22 February 2016

The Last of Winter

Its nearly the end of February which means Spring and all the joy it brings with it is just around the corner. I’ve already seen a few glimpses of it: snowdrops, daffodils and more importantly chocolate eggs are back in stock. Soon enough it will be time to shed our coats and boots. Winter will take a while to relinquish its grip though and I’m going to enjoy its fading beauty whilst it lasts.


  1. Such gorgeous pictures Monica, I especially love the center image! Where was it taken? :D they are all very atmospheric and symbolic of everything thawing out and breaking away. I found your Jealous Writer post a really great read too, I will definitely save it for future reference! xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara

    1. Thank you so much Elizabeth! That picture was taken at Polsden Lacey, a National Trust in Surrey - its a beautiful place if you ever get the chance to visit. So glad your enjoying the blog! Monica xx


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