Thursday, 18 February 2016

The Jealous Writer

For me, one of the most prominent blocks to writing is a sense of inadequacy that my writing isn’t as good as someone else’s. Why does the world need another writer when someone else is clearly saying it more authentically or more beautifully than I am? (I’m looking at you Virginia Woolf). If jealously is allowed, it could stop you from starting or finishing a project altogether. That’s why it’s so important that we harness the passion of jealousy and use it to make us better writers.  Here are a few ways to do it:
  1. One of the most liberating things in life is to stop envying someone and celebrate them. If you read something that you think is amazing be excited about it. Be excited that these people are proof of what can be achieved. Being full of admiration rather than bitterness will put you in a far better frame of mind to achieve great things too.
  2. Admiring other writers instead of feeling angry with them and yourself opens up the way for creative growth. If you see yourself as an equal to these ‘better writers’ not only will you gain a sense of comradery with them but you can actually emulate them too. Be specific about what it its they do that you find so brilliant and study their work. See them as your teachers rather than your rivals.
  3. I remember in an episode of Sabrina the Teenage Witch where one of the characters had a room in her house called the Hall of Gratuitous Praise that would open upon a crowd of people applauding and shouting complements. If only such places existed. In times of self-doubt you have to remind yourself of your own strengths. Re-read a chapter that you’re proud of. Reminisce about great feedback you’ve had. Make a list of all the things that make you a good writer.
  4. Julia Cameron says that if we find ourselves comparing our work with others it’s a sign we need to get back to ourselves. Instead of thinking ‘how am I doing?” we think “how am I doing compared to...” Cut yourself off from reading or whatever triggers your envy for a while and dedicate time just to you and your writing.
  5. Finally, remind yourself that you will never write as well as anyone else because you are not them. In the same way no-one will ever write like you because only you are you. Cheesy but true.
How do you keep writing when you think everyone does it better than you do? Leave a comment and let me know!


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