How was your July? I hope that this month has been full of reading outside and chilled drinks for you. This summer seems to be going so fast. Let’s hold onto it a little longer with some July Reflections!
'We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in
retrospect.'- Anais Nin
I love this quote because I think it really taps into the
therapeutic power of writing. Writing allows you to revisit experiences and
harvest them for something creative.
I really enjoyed reading ‘Why Does Anyone Write?’ by AliceAdams on LitHub this month. Adams talks about how being a writer can be a
self-torturous process fraught with rejection, self criticism and long hours.
So why do we carry on? Adams gives a personal and passionate response to this
question and explains what keeps bringing her back. There are some great
reasons, I like this one: ‘Because putting something into words forces me to
articulate my thoughts and shape them into a narrative, and that gives meaning
to my life.’
This month I started writing a new project in earnest. At
this stage there are still lots of different possibilities for what it will end
up ‘looking’ like. I think that is quite exciting and for a perpetual planner
like me, it’s quite freeing to not know where its going next. There will be a
time for intricate planning but for now its fun just to enjoy the novelty of
something new.
Focus on…Planting Something
With everything in bloom and coming into fruition, its a
good time to reflect upon the power of planting something. I don’t just mean
scattering seeds or planting bulbs but rather planting something that you’ll be
able to look back on with pride later on.
Passing on a passion on to a child, beginning a creative project,
planning a trip are all ways you can invest in your future and reap the rewards
of at a later date.
Three Things to Look Forward to in August:
1.Candy Floss and ice cream.
2.Writing in the garden.
3.Scrapbooking summer.
Posts to catch up on from July:
How was your July? Let me know in the comments below...