And so we come to the end of June. It bought with it days of both rain and roses. It has never been a better time to escape into a good book or get lost in imaginary worlds. With that in mind here are few things I’d like to share with you this month…
‘We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.’ - Ernest Hemingway
I find this quote very comforting. Reading this immediately takes the pressure off. No one will ever be perfect at anything so don’t be afraid to begin. As ‘apprentices’ we have to keep learning from everyone else.
I was transfixed earlier this month with a D. H. Lawrence novella called ‘The Fox’. It centres around two single women living together after the first world war on a chicken farm. One of the women, March, becomes fixated with the fox killing their chickens. Their lives are then invaded by a young man, a predator of the human kind. What ensues is a tale of jealousy, control, violence and desire executed so evocatively by Lawrence.
Have you ever asked yourself why you write? This month I’ve been thinking a lot about what motivates me. Whilst I’d be lying if I said success is something I’m not bothered about I also know that I will keep writing no matter what. Ponder the reasons you write. Is it therapeutic for you? Are you proving to yourself you can do it? Now, think about some of the ‘by-products’ of your writing, the things you didn’t expect to gain.
Focus on…Celebrating your flaws
The Japanese have a tradition called ‘Kintsugi’ which is the ritual of mending broken pottery with gold powder. Rather than a broken vase being thrown away it is celebrated for all its flaws. Its cracks and blemishes add to its charm. As we go into July celebrate the parts of your life that have been under construction and embrace and accept your flaws.
Three things to look forward to in July:
1. Strawberries and cream.
2. Outdoor crafts.
3. Sending postcards and letters.
How was June for you? What are you looking forward to in July? Share it with me below!
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